
Welcome to EuropeActive and the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS)

EuropeActive is the leading (non-profit) organisation representing the European health and fitness sector in Brussels. In parallel with its significant economic contribution, the sector has an important role to play in creating a more active and healthy Europe. EuropeActive aims to cooperate with the European Union and other international organisations to achieve its objectives. 

More than 200 experts from across Europe have developed EuropeActive’s educational standards which identify the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary to work in a number of fitness occupations. WEIDER COLLEGE OF FITNESS BODYBUILDING has used the EuropeActive standards to develop training programs which ensure their graduates are best equipped to succeed within the fitness industry across Europe. The course of study you are about to undertake has been accredited by EuropeActive as fully aligned to their educational standards.

As part of EuropeActive, the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) is an independent registration process for all instructors, trainers and teachers working within Europe in the fitness sector. Meeting EuropeActive’s educational standards has been agreed as the minimum requirement for an individual to be called an exercise professional and to make them eligible for registration with (EREPS).

Registration with EREPS ensures that exercise professionals have met the recommended minimum standards of good practice and are qualified to do their job.  All EREPS members must abide by a Code of Ethical Practice and are committed to raising standards through a professional continuing education or lifelong learning process.

The benefits of EREPS membership include:

  • A license to practice – a public register of trainers, trainers and teachers working in the European health, fitness, and physical activity sector
  • Being part of a community of like-minded professionals — provides opportunities to interact with other professionals at EREPS events and through their social media channels
  • Job mobility — EREPS is globally recognised with members currently working in 28 countries
  • A source of information — EREPS events, website blog and newsletter provide access to current industry news and best practices
  • Real value – the EREPS affiliate scheme, provides discounts on personal training equipment and services
  • Inspiration and pride – gain a sense of involvement in the industry you love and keep pace with developments and current trends

Once you graduate from the EuropeActive approved qualification you are presently enrolled on, as part of their commitment to the European Standards your training provider will register you with EREPS. This will be the first step in becoming part of the European community of fitness professionals. This journey will continue as you complete your on-going lifelong learning within the sector (link to the EREPS Lifelong Learning Programme).

We look forward to welcoming you!
